2142. zakar
Lexical Summary
zakar: remember
Original Word: זָכַר
Transliteration: zakar
Phonetic Spelling: (zaw-kar')
Part of Speech: Verb
Short Definition: remember
Meaning: to mark, to remember, to mention, to be male
Strong's Concordance
burn incense, earnestly, be male, make mention of, be mindful, recount

A primitive root; properly, to mark (so as to be recognized), i.e. To remember; by implication, to mention; also (as denominative from zakar) to be male -- X burn (incense), X earnestly, be male, (make) mention (of), be mindful, recount, record(-er), remember, make to be remembered, bring (call, come, keep, put) to (in) remembrance, X still, think on, X well.

see HEBREW zakar


H2142. zakar

זָכַרverb remember (Assyrian zikâru, name, mention, compare noun zikru, Hpt in KAT2Glossary i LyonSargontexte; Zinjirli זכר‎, Arabic , Aramaic דְּכַר‎, , Palmyrene דרכנאmonument, VogNo. 36 b, דכירmemorial, VogNo. 62, Sabean in proper name ידֿכראל‎ DHMEpigr. Denkm. 43, but Ethiopic ) —

Qal Perfect3masculine singular ׳זGenesis 40:23 +; 3 feminine singular זָָֽכְרָהLamentations 1:7, 9; 2masculine singular וְזָכַרְתָּ֫Deuteronomy 5:15 +; suffix זְכַרְתַּנִיGenesis 40:14 compare 1 Samuel 1:11, זְכַרְתָּםPsalm 88:6; 2feminine singular זָכַרְתְּIsaiah 47:7; 57:11; compare 17:10 + Ezekiel 16:22, 43 Qr (both Kt זכרתי‎), וְזָכַרְתְּ‎ consecutive 16:61; 3plural זָָֽכְרוּJudges 8:34 +, etc.; Imperfect3masculine singular יִזְכֹּרHosea 8:13 +; יִזְכָּרֿ2 Samuel 14:11; Proverbs 31:7; וַיִּזְכֹּרGenesis 8:1 +; suffix וַיִּוְכְּרֶהָ1 Samuel 1:19; 2feminine singular תִּזְכְּרִיIsaiah 54:4 2t.; 1 singular אֶזְכֹּרLeviticus 26:42 (twice in verse); Isaiah 43:25 (Psalm 77:12 Qr see infra), אֶזְכָּרֿJeremiah 31:34, וָאֶזְכֹּרExodus 6:5; suffix 2masculine singular אֶזְכָּרְךָPsalm 42:7, suffix 2feminine singular אֶזְכְּרֵכִי137:6 (see Ges§ 58, 3, R, 1 Sta§§ 356, a, 2, 634 a, 2), etc.; Imperative masculine singular זְכֹרExodus 32:13 +; זְכָרֿPsalm 25:7 +; זָכְרָהNehemiah 6:14 +; suffix זָכְרֵנִיJudges 16:28 2t.; masculine plural זִכְרוּIsaiah 46:9 +, זְכֹ֑רוּNehemiah 4:8; Infinitive absolute זָכוֺרExodus 13:3 +; זָכֹרJeremiah 31:30 +; construct לִזְכֹּרGenesis 9:16; Ezekiel 23:19, etc.; suffix בְּזָכְרֵנִיPsalm 137:1; Participle active plural construct וּלְֹזכְרֵי103:18; זָכוּר103:14 see below —

I. human subj.

1 remember, recall, call to mind, usually as affecting present feeling, thought, or action:

a. remember past experiences (accusative) Genesis 42:9 (E), 2 Kings 9:25 (accusative of person agent); followed by clause with מִיJob 4:7; things formerly known (accusative) Jeremiah 17:2; followed by clause with כִּיJudges 9:2; with implied regret, longing Numbers 11:5 (JE), Psalm 42:5; 137:1; Lamentations 1:7 compare Psalm 77:7, negative 137:6 ("" שׁכח137:5); so (followed by בְּ‎) Jeremiah 3:16 ("" לב על עלה‎ and פקד‎).

b. recall past distress, etc.; object not expressed, Lamentations 3:20 (זכר זכור‎), Job 11:16 (שׁכח‎ in "" clause); negative, followed by accusative Isaiah 54:4 ("" שׁכח‎), Proverbs 31:7 ("" id.).

c. remember sins, (1) to repent of them Deuteronomy 9:7 (+ אלתֿשׁכח‎, followed by clause with אתאֿשׁר‎), elsewhere only Ezek., usually with accusative Ezekiel 16:61 (+ וְנִכְלַמְתְּ‎), 16:63 (object not expressed), 20:43; 36:21; (2) to renew and repeat them 23:19, negative 23:27.

d. especially remember the dealings of ׳י‎, expressed in great variety of terms in accusative, Deuteronomy 7:18; 8:2; 24:9; 32:7 ("" בין‎), Isaiah 46:9; 63:11; Psalm 77:12 Qr (Kt Hiph`il q. v.) 77:12; 105:5; 143:5 ("" אֲשׂוֺחֵחַ הגיתי,‎) 1 Chronicles 16:12; negatively, Isaiah 43:18; ("" תִּתְבֹּנָ֑נוּ אַל‎), Ezekiel 16:22, 43; Psalm 78:42; 106:7; Nehemiah 9:17 ("" לִשְׁמֹעַ וַיְמָאֲנוּ‎); object clause with בִּי‎ especially D, Deuteronomy 5:15; 15:15; 16:12; 24:18, 22; Psalm 78:35.

2 remember persons (human subject),

a. to their advantage: — followed by accusative Genesis 40:14 (E), 40:23 (E; negative, "" שׁכח‎), 1 Samuel 25:31.

b. to make use of them (accusative) Nahum 2:6.

c. their acts (accusative) to their advantage 2 Chronicles 24:22, to their disadvantage 2 Samuel 19:20 (negative); to make vengeance Deuteronomy 25:17.

d. remember human obligations, accusative of thing: אַחִים בְּרִיתAmos 1:9; compare perhaps Esther 2:1 (accusative of person and also of deed); negative Ecclesiastes 9:15 (accusative of person), Psalm 109:16 (followed by עשׂות חסד‎).

3 remember ׳י‎:

a. call him to mind 2 Samuel 14:11 (i.e. recall a specific command of his).

b. recall, and (especially) keep ׳יin mind Deuteronomy 8:18; Jeremiah 51:50; Isaiah 64:4 ("" צדק עשׂה‎), Ezekiel 6:9; Zechariah 10:9; Joel 2:8; Psalm 42:7; 63:7 ("" אהגה‎), 77:4; Nehemiah 4:8; negatively Judges 8:34; Isaiah 17:10 (opposed to שׁכח‎), 57:11 ("" עַללִֿבֵּךְ שַׂמְתְּ לֹא‎); compare also ׳ז אֶתאבּוֺרְאֶ֑ךָEcclesiastes 12:1, and (no object expressed) Psalm 22:28 (+ י אל ׳וישׁובו‎); remember ׳י‎s name 119:55.

4 remember:

a. words of Moses Joshua 1:13 (D) Malachi 3:22; ׳י‎s instructions through prophet Isaiah 44:21; Isaiah 46:48 ("" לב על השׁיבו‎), also Micah 6:5 (followed by clause with מה‎).

b. commandments of ׳י‎ (so as to do them) Numbers 15:39 (P, or H), 15:40 (P; + ועשׂיתם‎), Psalm 103:18 (+ לעשׂותם‎), 119:52 (משׁפטים‎); his covenant 1 Chronicles 16:15.

5 think of or on, call to mind something present or future: — followed by accusative, issue of conduct Isaiah 47:7; Lamentations 1:9 (end of Jerusalem); fight with crocodile Job 40:32; object a General truth, prosperity of wicked Job 21:6 (object not expressed); (fleeting) days of life Ecclesiastes 5:19; (coming) days of darkness, 11:8; a duty Job 36:24 (followed by clause with כִּי‎).

6 remember a day, to observe, commemorate it: — day of Exodus Exodus 13:3 (J) Deuteronomy 16:3; sabbath Exodus 20:8 (E; "" שׂמרDeuteronomy 5:12).

7 remember, with implied mention of, object ׳יJeremiah 20:9 ("" בִּשְׁמוֺ דִּבֶּר‎); י ׳מַשָּׂא23:36.

II. Subject ׳(אלהים)י‎.

1 remember persons:

a. individuals, with kindness, granting requests, protecting, delivering etc., with accusative of person, Genesis 30:22 (E), 1 Samuel 1:11 (opposed to שׁכח‎), 1:19, Judges 16:28 (followed by וְחַזְּקֵנִי‎); Jeremiah 15:15 ("" מָּקְדֵנִי‎), Psalm 106:4 ("" id.), Job 14:13 (+ חק לי תשׁית‎), also Genesis 8:1 (P), 19:29 (P); negative Psalm 88:6 ("" נִגְזָר֑וּ מידך‎); followed by לְ‎ person 25:7 (yet compare Che); followed by accusative of thing + לְ‎ person (dativus commodi [dative of benefit]) Nehemiah 5:19; 13:14, 22, 31.

b. individuals, to punish, followed by לְ‎ person Nehemiah 6:14; 13:29.

c. his servants, people, the afflicted, (graciously) followed by לְExodus 32:13 (JE), Deuteronomy 9:27; Psalm 136:23; followed by accusative 9:13 (opposed to שׁכח‎), 74:2; 115:12 (followed by יְבָרֵךְ‎); compare Jeremiah 31:20 (זכר זכור‎).

d. his land Leviticus 26:42 (H), and negative Lamentations 2:1 (his footstool).

e. mankind Psalm 8:5 ("" פקד‎).

2. a. remember the distress of his servants, Lamentations 3:19 (followed by clause with מה‎), 5:1 ("" וּרְאֵה הַבִּיטָ֯‎).

b. their devotion, accusative, Psalm 20:4; Jeremiah 2:2 (+ לְ‎ person), Psalm 132:1 (+ id.); followed by clause with אשׁר את2 Kings 20:3 = Isaiah 38:3.

c. their intercession Jeremiah 18:20 (followed by infinitive with suffix)

3. a. remember his own covenant (with them), accusative, Genesis 9:15-16, Exodus 2:24; 6:25 (all P), Leviticus 26:42 (twice in verse) (H, as also) 26:45 (+ לְ‎ person); Jeremiah 14:21 (+ אַלתָּֿפֵר‎), Ezekiel 16:60; Psalm 105:8, compare 105:42 (object קָדְשׁוֺ דְּבַר‎), and 119:49; Nehemiah 1:8; Psalm 106:45 (+ לְ‎ person), 111:5.

b. his mercy, etc., accusative, Psalm 25:6; 98:3; 2 Chronicles 6:42; also Habakkuk 3:2.

c. extenuating circumstances, followed by clause with כִּי‎, Job 7:7; 10:9; Psalm 78:39; 103:14 (זָכוּרbe-thinketh him, Che, compare De Kö§ 20, 14 BaNB 175); also 89:48 (followed by אֲנִי‎ + epexegetical clause with מה‎ ).

4 remember sins, idolatries etc., followed by accusative, Hosea 7:2; 8:13 ("" פקד‎), 9:9 ("" id.), Jeremiah 14:10 ("" id.); negative 44:21 ("" לבו על עלה‎), Isaiah 43:25; 64:8; Psalm 25:7; 79:8 (+ לְ‎ person); followed by לְJeremiah 31:34; also (object reproach) Psalm 74:18; 74:22; 89:5; and (object day of Jerusalem) 137:7 (+ אֱדוֺם לִבְנֵי‎, i.e. against them).

Niph`al Perfect2masculine plural consecutive וְנִזְכַּרְתֶּםNumbers 10:9; Imperfect3masculine singular יִזָּכֵרJeremiah 11:19 +; 3 feminine singular תִּזָּכֵרEzekiel 25:10, (תִּזָּכָרExodus 34:19 read הַזָּכָר‎ see זָכָר‎); 2 feminine singular תִּזָּכֵ֑רִיIsaiah 23:16; Ezekiel 21:37; 3masculine plural יִזָָּֽכְרוּHosea 2:19 +; 3 feminine plural תִּזָּכַרְנָהIsaiah 65:17 +; תִּזָּכַרְןָEzekiel 3:20; Infinitive construct suffix הִזָּכֶרְכֶם21:29 (omitted by ᵑ6‎ Co); Participle plural נִזְכָּרִיםEsther 9:28. —

1 be brought to remembrance, remembered, thought of, usually with negative: —

a. in General, subject Baalim Hosea 2:19 (+ בִּשְׁמָם‎), compare Zechariah 13:2 ("" אכרית‎); former heaven and earth Isaiah 65:17 ("" לב על עלה‎); (wicked) dead Job 24:20 ("" ישׁכחהו‎ va); coral (not to be thought of [others, be mentioned] in comparison with wisdom) 28:18; of attention paid to Tyre under figure of harlot Isaiah 23:16 (opposed to נשׁכחה‎).

b. brought to ׳י's remembrance, subject the people, (1) with gracious result Numbers 10:9 (P; י ׳לפני‎, "" וְנוֺשַׁעְתֶּם‎); (2) for judgment Ezekiel 21:29 (omitted by ᵑ6‎ Co).

c. be remembered by ׳י‎, negative of deeds, as affecting ׳י‎s judgment, (1) righteous Ezekiel 3:20; 18:24; 33:13 (followed by לְ‎ of advantage, according to Co); (2) wicked 18:22 (followed by לְ‎, omitted by A B ᵑ9‎ etc., Co) 33:16 (followed by לְ‎).

d. be remembered ׳אֶליֿPsalm 109:14 ("" אַלתִּֿמָּ֑ח‎).

2 negative be not remembered = no longer exist, of name of Israel, as nation Jeremiah 11:19 ("" נכרת‎), Psalm 83:5 ("" מִגּוֺי נַכְחִידֵם‎); of Ammonites Ezekiel 21:37; Ezekiel 25:10.

3 be remembered, of particular days, in order to be observed, commemorated, Esther 9:28 (followed by וְנַעֲשִׂיםobserve, celebrate).

Hiph`il Perfect3masculine singular הִזְכִּירIsaiah 49:1-2;masculine singular suffix 1 singular וְהִזְכַּרְתַּנִי‎ consecutive Genesis 40:14; Imperfect3masculine singular יַזְכִּירIsaiah 19:17; 1singular אַזְכִּירExodus 20:2 +, etc.; Imperative masculine singular suffix 1 singular הַזְכִּירֵנִיIsaiah 43:26; masculine plural הַזְכִּירוּ12:4; Jeremiah 4:16; Infinitive construct (ל)הַזְכְּיר2 Samuel 18:18 +; suffix 3 masculine singular כְּהַזְכִּירוֺ1 Samuel 4:18; suffix 2masculine plural הַזְכַּרְכֶםEzekiel 21:29 (compare Sta§ 245§ 29, 11); Participle מַזְכִּירGenesis 41:9 +, etc.; feminine singular מַזְכֶּרֶתNumbers 5:15; —

1 cause to remember, remind, with accusative of person Isaiah 43:26.

2 cause to be remembered, keep in remembrance, with accusative of thing, a person's name 2 Samuel 18:18; Psalm 45:18; of ׳י‎, causing his name to be remembered, by some token, Exodus 20:24 (JE).

3 mention,

a. followed by accusative of person Genesis 40:14 (E; followed by אֶלֿ‎ person), ׳י‎, = call upon Isaiah 62:6, name of ׳י26:13; 49:1 ("" קראני‎), name of other gods, negative, Exodus 23:13 (J E; "" יִשָּׁמַע‎); followed by בְּשֵׁםAmos 6:10, compare Psalm 20:8 (De Che and others boast of, praise, ᵐ5μεγαλυνθησόμεθα, whence Hup Bae proposes נַגְבִּיר‎ = we display strength), negative Joshua 23:7 (D; "" ולא תשׁביעו‎), so ישׂראל באלהיIsaiah 48:1 ("" בְּשֵׁם הַנִּשְׁבָּעִים‎).

b. followed by accusative of thing: faults Genesis 41:9 (E), the ark 1 Samuel 4:18, land of Judah Isaiah 19:17, Rahab (= Egypt) Psalm 87:4, works of ׳י77:12 (Kt, Qr Qal q. v. ), his righteousness 71:16, lovingkindness, Isaiah 63:7; human love Song of Solomon 1:4; also in technical sense, apparently = accuse before God, always followed by עָוֺן‎, 1 Kings 17:18; Numbers 5:15 (P) Ezekiel 21:28 21:29 (followed by בְּהִגָּלוֺת מִּשְׁעֵיכֶם‎), 29:16.

c. followed by clause, with כִּיIsaiah 12:4; no conjunction Jeremiah 4:16 (לְ‎ indirect object; "" הַשְׁמיעו‎).

d. absolute commemorate, praise 1 Chronicles 16:4 (׳לְהַז‎, apparently Levitical function, followed by ליהוה ולהלל ולהודות‎), so perhaps also לְהַזְכִּיר‎ in titles Psalm 38:1; 70:1 (others below 5).

4 record, only participle מַזְכִּיר‎ as substantive (title of public officer) = recorder **Rather, probably, the (king's reminder, who brought important business to his notice: compare EwGeschichte. iii. 365, H. iii. 267 Ke2 Samuel 8:16 BenzArchaeology 310 NowArchaeology i. 308 Kit1 Kings 4:3. 2 Samuel 8:16; 20:24; 1 Kings 4:3; 2 Kings 18:18, 37 = Isaiah 36:3, 22; 1 Chronicles 18:15; 2 Chronicles 34:8.

5 of sacrifice, make a memorial, i.e. offer an אַזְכָּרָה‎ q. v.; followed by לְבֹנָהIsaiah 66:3. — JPPetersJBL, 1893, xii, 58 reads אַזְכִּרָהPsalm 42:5 (see Qal I. 1), 'let me make my azkara, and pour out libation for (עֲלֵי‎) my life.'

מַזְכִּירnoun masculine recorder, see זָכַר


זלא‎ (√ of following; meaning unknown).


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