7133. qorban
Lexical Summary
qorban: offering, oblation
Original Word: קָרְבָּן
Transliteration: qorban
Phonetic Spelling: (kor-bawn')
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Short Definition: offering, oblation
Meaning: something brought near the altar, a sacrificial present
Strong's Concordance
oblation, that is offered, offering

Or qurban {koor-bawn'}; from qarab; something brought near the altar, i.e. A sacrificial present -- oblation, that is offered, offering.

see HEBREW qarab


H7133. qorban

קָרְבָּן80 noun masculineLeviticus 6:13 offering, oblation (Assyrian kurbannu, id., apparently always with כ‎ DlHWB 351); — absolute ׳ק1:2 +; construct קָרְבַּן2:1 +; Sf. קָרְבָּנִיNumbers 28:2 plural suffix קָרְבְּנֵיהֶםLeviticus 7:38; — offering, oblation, General term for all kinds of offering (only Ezekiel Leviticus Numbers [H P]): animal 1:2-3, 10 +, vegetable 2:1 (twice in verse); 2:5 +, articles of gold Numbers 31:50, silver 7:13 +, etc., as accusative of congnate meaning with verb after הִקְרִיבLeviticus 1:2 (twice in verse); 3:14; Numbers 6:14 + (see √ Hiph`il 2 b (5)); cstr ׳ק מִנְחָהLeviticus 2:1, 4, 13 ׳ק רֵאשִׁית2:12 ׳ק אִשֶּׁה22:27; ׳ק ׳יNumbers 9:7, 13 (compareNumbers 31:50).

[קֻרְבָּן‎] noun [masculine] offering; — construct הָעֵצִים קֻרְבַּןwood-offering for second temple Nehemiah 10:35; 13:31.

II. קרב‎ (√ of following; compare Assyrian kirbu, midst; Late Hebrew [קֶרֶב‎] plural entrails (rare); MI23, 24 בקרבin the midst of the city; perhaps also Arabic heart).


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