1 Kings 22
Scrivener's Textus Receptus

Ahab and the False Prophets

(2 Chronicles 18:1-11)

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Micaiah Prophesies against Ahab

(2 Chronicles 18:12-27)

13 14

15 16



19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28

Ahab Killed at Ramoth Gilead

(2 Chronicles 18:28-34)

29 30 31 32 33

34 35 36

37 38 39 40

Jehoshaphat's Good Reign in Judah

(2 Chronicles 19:4-11; 2 Chronicles 20:31-34)

41 42 43 44

45 46

47 48 49 50

Ahaziah's Evil Reign in Israel

(1 Samuel 1:1-8; 2 Kings 1:1-16; Psalm 113:1-9)

51 52 53

Scrivener's Textus Receptus 1894

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Study Bible


1 Kings 21
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