
1. Opening  ( 1:1⁠–⁠20 )

a. Prologue  ( 1:1⁠–⁠3 )

b. John Greets the Seven Churches  ( 1:4⁠–⁠8 )

c. John’s Vision on Patmos  ( 1:9⁠–⁠20 )

2. The Letters to the Seven Churches  ( 2:1⁠–⁠3:22 )

a. Ephesus  ( 2:1⁠–⁠7 )

i. The Authority  ( 2:1 )

ii. The Praise  ( 2:2⁠–⁠3 )

iii. The Grievance  ( 2:4 )

iv. The Warning  ( 2:5 )

v. The Second Praise  ( 2:6 )

vi. The Promise  ( 2:7 )

b. Smyrna  ( 2:8⁠–⁠11 )

i. The Authority  ( 2:8 )

ii. The Praise  ( 2:9 )

iii. The Grievance  ( 2:9 )

iv. The Warning  ( 2:10 )

v. The Promise  ( 2:11 )

c. Pergamum  ( 2:12⁠–⁠17 )

i. The Authority  ( 2:12 )

ii. The Praise  ( 2:13 )

iii. The Grievance  ( 2:14⁠–⁠15 )

iv. The Warning  ( 2:16 )

v. The Promise  ( 2:17 )

d. Thyatira  ( 2:18⁠–⁠29 )

i. The Authority  ( 2:18 )

ii. The Praise  ( 2:19 )

iii. The Grievance  ( 2:20⁠–⁠21 )

iv. The Warning  ( 2:22⁠–⁠23 )

v. The Promise  ( 2:24⁠–⁠29 )

e. Sardis  ( 3:1⁠–⁠6 )

i. The Authority  ( 3:1 )

ii. The Grievance  ( 3:1 )

iii. The Warning  ( 3:2⁠–⁠3 )

iv. Few Praised  ( 3:4 )

v. The Promise  ( 3:5⁠–⁠6 )

f. Philadelphia  ( 3:7⁠–⁠13 )

i. The Authority  ( 3:7 )

ii. The Praise  ( 3:8 )

iii. The Promise  ( 3:9⁠–⁠13 )

g. Laodicea  ( 3:14⁠–⁠22 )

i. The Authority  ( 3:14 )

ii. The Grievance  ( 3:15 )

iii. The Warning  ( 3:16⁠–⁠17 )

iv. The Counsel  ( 3:18 )

v. The Promise  ( 3:19⁠–⁠22 )

3. The Throne and the Lamb  ( 4:1⁠–⁠5:14 )

a. The Throne in Heaven  ( 4:1⁠–⁠11 )

i. In the Throne Room  ( 4:1⁠–⁠4 )

ii. Worship of the Creator  ( 4:5⁠–⁠11 )

b. The Lamb  ( 5:1⁠–⁠14 )

i. The Lamb Takes the Scroll  ( 5:1⁠–⁠10 )

ii. The Lamb Exalted  ( 5:11⁠–⁠14 )

4. Three Sets of Seven Divine Judgments  ( 6:1⁠–⁠16:21 )

a. The Seven Seals  ( 6:1⁠–⁠8:5 )

i. The First Seal: The White Horse  ( 6:1⁠–⁠2 )

ii. The Second Seal: War  ( 6:3⁠–⁠4 )

iii. The Third Seal: Famine  ( 6:5⁠–⁠6 )

iv. The Fourth Seal: Death  ( 6:7⁠–⁠8 )

v. The Fifth Seal: The Martyrs  ( 6:9⁠–⁠11 )

vi. The Sixth Seal: Terror  ( 6:12⁠–⁠17 )

vii. 144,000 Sealed  ( 7:1⁠–⁠8 )

viii. Praise from the Great Multitude  ( 7:9⁠–⁠17 )

ix. The Seventh Seal: Silence in Heaven  ( 8:1⁠–⁠5 )

b. The Seven Trumpets  ( 8:6⁠–⁠11:19 )

i. The First Trumpet: Hail and Fire Mixed with Blood  ( 8:6⁠–⁠7 )

ii. The Second Trumpet: A Mountain Thrown into the Sea  ( 8:8⁠–⁠9 )

iii. The Third Trumpet: The Star Named Wormwood  ( 8:10⁠–⁠11 )

iv. The Fourth Trumpet: A Third of the Sun, Moon, and Stars Struck  ( 8:12⁠–⁠13 )

v. The Fifth Trumpet: The Locusts  ( 9:1⁠–⁠12 )

vi. The Sixth Trumpet: Release of the Four Angels  ( 9:13⁠–⁠21 )

vii. The Angel and the Small Scroll  ( 10:1⁠–⁠11 )

viii. The Two Witnesses  ( 11:1⁠–⁠14 )

ix. The Seventh Trumpet  ( 11:15⁠–⁠19 )

c. The Great Conflict  ( 12:1⁠–⁠14:20 )

i. The Woman and the Dragon  ( 12:1⁠–⁠17 )

1. The Woman, the Dragon, and the Child  ( 12:1⁠–⁠6 )

2. The War in Heaven  ( 12:7⁠–⁠12 )

3. The Woman Persecuted  ( 12:13⁠–⁠17 )

ii. The Two Beasts  ( 13:1⁠–⁠18 )

1. The Beast from the Sea  ( 13:1⁠–⁠10 )

2. The Beast from the Earth  ( 13:11⁠–⁠15 )

3. The Mark of the Beast  ( 13:16⁠–⁠18 )

iii. The Lamb and the 144,000  ( 14:1⁠–⁠5 )

iv. Final Justice  ( 14:6⁠–⁠20 )

1. The Three Angels and Babylon’s Fall  ( 14:6⁠–⁠13 )

2. The Harvest of the Earth  ( 14:14⁠–⁠20 )

d. The Seven Bowls of Wrath  ( 15:1⁠–⁠16:21 )

i. The Song of Moses and the Lamb  ( 15:1⁠–⁠4 )

ii. Preparation for Judgment  ( 15:5⁠–⁠8 )

iii. The First Bowl: Sores  ( 16:1⁠–⁠2 )

iv. The Second Bowl: Sea to Blood  ( 16:3 )

v. The Third Bowl: Rivers to Blood  ( 16:4⁠–⁠7 )

vi. The Fourth Bowl: Fire  ( 16:8⁠–⁠9 )

vii. The Fifth Bowl: Darkness  ( 16:10⁠–⁠11 )

viii. The Sixth Bowl: Battle of Armageddon  ( 16:12⁠–⁠16 )

ix. The Seventh Bowl: Earthquake and Hail  ( 16:17⁠–⁠21 )

5. The Fall of Babylon  ( 17:1⁠–⁠19:10 )

a. Babylon the Great  ( 17:1⁠–⁠18 )

i. The Woman on the Beast  ( 17:1⁠–⁠5 )

ii. The Mystery Explained  ( 17:6⁠–⁠13 )

iii. The Victory of the Lamb  ( 17:14⁠–⁠18 )

b. The Fall of Babylon  ( 18:1⁠–⁠24 )

i. Babylon is Fallen  ( 18:1⁠–⁠8 )

ii. Lament over Babylon  ( 18:9⁠–⁠20 )

iii. The Doom of Babylon  ( 18:21⁠–⁠24 )

c. Rejoicing in Heaven  ( 19:1⁠–⁠5 )

d. The Marriage of the Lamb  ( 19:6⁠–⁠10 )

6. The Future and Beyond  ( 19:11⁠–⁠22:5 )

a. The Return of Jesus  ( 19:11⁠–⁠21 )

i. The Rider on the White Horse  ( 19:11⁠–⁠16 )

ii. Defeat of the Beast and False Prophet  ( 19:17⁠–⁠21 )

b. The Millennial Reign  ( 20:1⁠–⁠15 )

i. Satan Bound  ( 20:1⁠–⁠3 )

ii. The First Resurrection and Reign  ( 20:4⁠–⁠6 )

iii. Satan’s Release and Defeat  ( 20:7⁠–⁠10 )

iv. The Great White Throne Judgment  ( 20:11⁠–⁠15 )

c. The World to Come  ( 21:1⁠–⁠22:5 )

i. A New Heaven and a New Earth  ( 21:1⁠–⁠8 )

ii. The New Jerusalem  ( 21:9⁠–⁠27 )

iii. The River of Life  ( 22:1⁠–⁠5 )

7. Conclusion  ( 22:6⁠–⁠21 )

a. Jesus is Coming  ( 22:6⁠–⁠17 )

b. Nothing May Be Added or Removed  ( 22:18⁠–⁠21 )


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