
1. God and the World  ( 1:1⁠–⁠10:32 )

a. The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth  ( 1:1⁠–⁠2:3 )

b. Human Sin and the Ruin of God’s World  ( 2:4⁠–⁠5:32 )

i. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden  ( 2:4⁠–⁠25 )

ii. The Fall of Man  ( 3:1⁠–⁠24 )

iii. The Descendants of Adam  ( 4:1⁠–⁠5:32 )

c. The Universal Flood  ( 6:1⁠–⁠9:29 )

i. Corruption on the Earth  ( 6:1⁠–⁠7 )

ii. The Call of Noah  ( 6:8⁠–⁠7:9 )

iii. The Flood  ( 7:10⁠–⁠8:19 )

iv. The Noahic Covenant  ( 8:20⁠–⁠9:17 )

v. The Descendants of Noah  ( 9:18⁠–⁠29 )

d. The Table of Nations  ( 10:1⁠–⁠32 )

2. God and the Nation of Israel  ( 11:1⁠–⁠50:26 )

a. The Tower of Babel  ( 11:1⁠–⁠9 )

b. Abraham  ( 11:10⁠–⁠25:11 )

i. The Genealogy of Abram  ( 11:10⁠–⁠32 )

ii. The Call of Abram  ( 12:1⁠–⁠9 )

iii. Abram and Sarai in Egypt  ( 12:10⁠–⁠20 )

iv. Abram and Lot  ( 13:1⁠–⁠18 )

v. War of the Four Kings vs. the Five Kings  ( 14:1⁠–⁠16 )

vi. Melchizedek Blesses Abram  ( 14:17⁠–⁠24 )

vii. The Covenant Between the Parts  ( 15:1⁠–⁠21 )

viii. Hagar and Ishmael  ( 16:1⁠–⁠16 )

ix. The Covenant of Circumcision  ( 17:1⁠–⁠27 )

x. The Three Visitors  ( 18:1⁠–⁠15 )

xi. Sodom and Gomorrah  ( 18:16⁠–⁠19:38 )

xii. Abraham, Sarah, and Abimelech  ( 20:1⁠–⁠18 )

xiii. Isaac  ( 21:1⁠–⁠34 )

1. The Birth of Isaac  ( 21:1⁠–⁠8 )

2. The Casting Out of Hagar and Ishmael  ( 21:9⁠–⁠21 )

3. The Covenant at Beersheba  ( 21:22⁠–⁠34 )

xiv. The Binding of Isaac  ( 22:1⁠–⁠19 )

xv. The Genealogy of Rebekah  ( 22:20⁠–⁠24 )

xvi. The Death and Burial of Sarah  ( 23:1⁠–⁠20 )

xvii. Isaac and Rebekah  ( 24:1⁠–⁠67 )

1. Abraham Sends His Servant  ( 24:1⁠–⁠14 )

2. Rebekah is Chosen  ( 24:15⁠–⁠61 )

3. Isaac Marries Rebekah  ( 24:62⁠–⁠67 )

xviii. Abraham and Keturah  ( 25:1⁠–⁠6 )

xix. The Death and Burial of Abraham  ( 25:7⁠–⁠11 )

c. The Descendants of Ishmael  ( 25:12⁠–⁠18 )

d. Isaac  ( 25:19⁠–⁠26:35 )

i. Jacob and Esau  ( 25:19⁠–⁠34 )

1. Birth of Jacob and Esau  ( 24:19⁠–⁠28 )

2. Esau Sells His Birthright  ( 24:29⁠–⁠34 )

ii. God’s Promise to Isaac  ( 26:1⁠–⁠35 )

1. Isaac and Abimelech  ( 26:1⁠–⁠11 )

2. The Three Wells  ( 26:12⁠–⁠25 )

3. The Covenant at Beersheba  ( 26:26⁠–⁠33 )

4. Esau’s Wives  ( 26:34⁠–⁠35 )

e. Jacob  ( 27:1⁠–⁠35:29 )

i. The Deception for the Blessing  ( 27:1⁠–⁠40 )

ii. Jacob and Laban  ( 27:41⁠–⁠31:55 )

1. Jacob sent to Laban  ( 27:41⁠–⁠28:9 )

2. Jacob’s Ladder  ( 28:10⁠–⁠22 )

3. Jacob, Rachel, and Leah  ( 29:1⁠–⁠30 )

4. Eleven Sons of Jacob  ( 29:31⁠–⁠30:24 )

5. Six More Years for Laban’s Flocks  ( 30:25⁠–⁠43 )

6. Jacob Leaves Laban  ( 31:1⁠–⁠55 )

a. Jacob Flees  ( 31:1⁠–⁠21 )

b. Laban Pursues  ( 31:22⁠–⁠42 )

c. Jacob’s Covenant with Laban  ( 31:43⁠–⁠55 )

iii. Jacob Wrestles with God  ( 32:1⁠–⁠32 )

iv. Jacob’s Reunion with Esau  ( 33:1⁠–⁠17 )

v. Jacob at Shechem  ( 33:18⁠–⁠34:31 )

1. The Purchase of Land  ( 33:18⁠–⁠20 )

2. The Defiling of Dinah  ( 34:1⁠–⁠12 )

3. The Revenge of Dinah’s Brothers  ( 34:13⁠–⁠31 )

vi. Jacob Returns to Bethel  ( 35:1⁠–⁠15 )

vii. Benjamin Born, Rachel Dies  ( 35:16⁠–⁠26 )

viii. The Death and Burial of Isaac  ( 35:27⁠–⁠29 )

f. The Descendants of Esau  ( 36:1⁠–⁠43 )

g. Joseph  ( 37:1⁠–⁠50:26 )

i. Joseph’s Dreams  ( 37:1⁠–⁠11 )

ii. Joseph Sold into Egypt  ( 37:12⁠–⁠36 )

iii. Judah and Tamar  ( 38:1⁠–⁠30 )

iv. Joseph in Egypt  ( 39:1⁠–⁠41:57 )

1. Joseph and Potiphar  ( 39:1⁠–⁠23 )

2. Joseph in Prison  ( 40:1⁠–⁠23 )

3. Pharaoh’s Dreams  ( 41:1⁠–⁠36 )

4. Joseph Made Second-in-Command  ( 41:37⁠–⁠57 )

v. Joseph’s Reunion with His Brothers  ( 42:1⁠–⁠45:28 )

1. The Brothers Go Down to Egypt  ( 42:1⁠–⁠38 )

2. Benjamin Goes Down to Egypt  ( 43:1⁠–⁠44:17 )

3. Judah Pleads for Benjamin  ( 44:18⁠–⁠34 )

4. Joseph Reveals His Identity  ( 45:1⁠–⁠15 )

5. Joseph Sends for Jacob  ( 45:16⁠–⁠28 )

vi. The Nation of Israel Goes Down to Egypt  ( 46:1⁠–⁠50:26 )

1. Jacob Goes Down to Egypt  ( 46:1⁠–⁠27 )

2. Israel Settles in Goshen  ( 46:28⁠–⁠47:31 )

3. Jacob Blesses Ephraim and Manasseh  ( 48:1⁠–⁠22 )

4. Jacob Blesses His Sons  ( 49:1⁠–⁠28 )

5. The Death and Burial of Jacob  ( 49:29⁠–⁠50:14 )

6. The Death of Joseph  ( 50:15⁠–⁠26 )


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