
1. Introduction  ( 1:1⁠–⁠26 )

a. Dedication to Theophilus  ( 1:1⁠–⁠5 )

b. The Ascension  ( 1:6⁠–⁠11 )

c. Matthias Replaces Judas  ( 1:12⁠–⁠26 )

2. Witnesses in Jerusalem  ( 2:1⁠–⁠8:3 )

a. Pentecost  ( 2:1⁠–⁠47 )

i. The Holy Spirit at Pentecost  ( 2:1⁠–⁠13 )

ii. Peter Addresses the Crowd  ( 2:14⁠–⁠36 )

iii. Three Thousand Believe  ( 2:37⁠–⁠41 )

iv. The Fellowship of Believers  ( 2:42⁠–⁠47 )

b. The Early Church in Jerusalem  ( 3:1⁠–⁠8:3 )

i. First Controversy at the Temple  ( 3:1⁠–⁠4:31 )

1. A Lame Man Walks  ( 3:1⁠–⁠10 )

2. Peter Speaks in Solomon’s Colonnade  ( 3:11⁠–⁠26 )

3. Peter and John before the Sanhedrin  ( 4:1⁠–⁠12 )

4. The Name Forbidden  ( 4:13⁠–⁠22 )

5. The Believer’s Prayer  ( 4:23⁠–⁠31 )

ii. The Church Community  ( 4:32⁠–⁠5:11 )

1. Sharing among Believers  ( 4:32⁠–⁠37 )

2. Ananias and Sapphira  ( 5:1⁠–⁠11 )

iii. Second Controversy at the Temple  ( 5:12⁠–⁠ )

1. The Apostles Heal Many  ( 5:12⁠–⁠16 )

2. The Apostles Arrested and Freed  ( 5:17⁠–⁠23 )

3. The Apostles before the Sanhedrin  ( 5:24⁠–⁠32 )

4. Gamaliel’s Advice  ( 5:33⁠–⁠42 )

iv. Early Persecutions  ( 6:1⁠–⁠8:3 )

1. The Choosing of the Seven  ( 6:1⁠–⁠7 )

2. The Arrest of Stephen  ( 6:8⁠–⁠15 )

3. Stephen’s Defense  ( 7:1⁠–⁠53 )

a. Patriarchal Narratives  ( 7:1⁠–⁠19 )

  i. The Call of Abraham  ( 7:1⁠–⁠8 )

  ii. Joseph Sold into Egypt  ( 7:9⁠–⁠14 )

  iii. Israel Oppressed in Egypt  ( 7:15⁠–⁠19 )

b. Moses Narrative  ( 7:20⁠–⁠38 )

i. The Birth and Adoption of Moses  ( 7:20⁠–⁠22 )

ii. The Rejection and Flight of Moses  ( 7:23⁠–⁠29 )

iii. The Call of Moses  ( 7:30⁠–⁠38 )

c. The Rebellion of Israel  ( 7:39⁠–⁠43 )

d. The Tabernacle of the Testimony  ( 7:44⁠–⁠50 )

e. The Accused becomes the Accuser  ( 7:51⁠–⁠53 )

4. The Stoning of Stephen  ( 7:54⁠–⁠60 )

5. Saul Persecutes the Church  ( 8:1⁠–⁠3 )

3. Witnesses in Judea and Samaria  ( 8:4⁠–⁠12:25 )

a. Philip’s Ministry  ( 8:4⁠–⁠40 )

i. Philip Goes to Samaria  ( 8:4⁠–⁠8 )

ii. Simon the Sorcerer  ( 8:9⁠–⁠25 )

iii. Philip and the Ethiopian  ( 8:26⁠–⁠40 )

b. Conversion of Saul of Tarsus  ( 9:1⁠–⁠30 )

i. The Road to Damascus  ( 9:1⁠–⁠9 )

ii. Ananias Baptizes Saul  ( 9:10⁠–⁠19 )

iii. Saul Preaches at Damascus  ( 9:20⁠–⁠22 )

iv. The Escape from Damascus  ( 9:23⁠–⁠25 )

v. Saul in Jerusalem  ( 9:26⁠–⁠30 )

c. Peter’s Ministry  ( 9:31⁠–⁠11:18 )

i. The Healing of Aeneas  ( 9:31⁠–⁠35 )

ii. The Raising of Tabitha  ( 9:36⁠–⁠43 )

iii. Cornelius, the God-Fearing Gentile  ( 10:1⁠–⁠11:18 )

1. Cornelius Sends for Peter  ( 10:1⁠–⁠8 )

2. Peter’s Vision  ( 10:9⁠–⁠16 )

3. Peter Called to Caesarea  ( 10:17⁠–⁠23 )

4. Peter Visits Cornelius  ( 10:24⁠–⁠33 )

5. Good News for Gentiles  ( 10:34⁠–⁠43 )

6. The Gentiles Receive the Holy Spirit  ( 10:44⁠–⁠48 )

7. Peter’s Report at Jerusalem  ( 11:1⁠–⁠18 )

d. The Church at Antioch  ( 11:19⁠–⁠30 )

e. Herod Persecutes the Church  ( 12:1⁠–⁠25 )

i. James Killed, Peter Imprisoned  ( 12:1⁠–⁠4 )

ii. The Rescue of Peter  ( 12:5⁠–⁠19 )

iii. The Death of Herod  ( 12:20⁠–⁠25 )

4. Witnesses to the Ends of the Earth  ( 13:1⁠–⁠28:31 )

a. Paul’s First Missionary Journey to Asia Minor  ( 13:1⁠–⁠14:28 )

i. The Journey Begins  ( 13:1⁠–⁠3 )

ii. On Cyprus  ( 13:4⁠–⁠12 )

iii. In Pisidian Antioch  ( 13:13⁠–⁠52 )

iv. At Iconium  ( 14:1⁠–⁠7 )

v. In Lystra and Derbe  ( 14:8⁠–⁠20 )

vi. The Return to Pisidian Antioch  ( 14:21⁠–⁠25 )

vii. The Report to the Church at Antioch  ( 14:26⁠–⁠28 )

b. The Jerusalem Council  ( 15:1⁠–⁠35 )

i. The Dispute over Circumcision  ( 15:1⁠–⁠6 )

ii. Peter, Barnabas, and Paul Make Their Arguments  ( 15:7⁠–⁠12 )

iii. James, the Brother of Jesus, Makes the Ruling  ( 15:13⁠–⁠29 )

1. The Fallen Tent of David  ( 15:13⁠–⁠18 )

2. The Four Things  ( 15:19⁠–⁠21 )

3. The Letter to the Gentile Believers  ( 15:22⁠–⁠29 )

iv. The Believers at Antioch Rejoice  ( 15:30⁠–⁠35 )

c. Paul’s Second Missionary Journey to Asia Minor and Greece  ( 15:36⁠–⁠18:22 )

i. Division between Paul and Barnabas  ( 15:36⁠–⁠41 )

ii. Timothy Joins Paul and Silas  ( 16:1⁠–⁠5 )

iii. Paul’s Vision of the Macedonian  ( 16:6⁠–⁠10 )

iv. Lydia’s Conversion in Philippi  ( 16:11⁠–⁠15 )

v. Persecution on the Road  ( 16:16⁠–⁠40 )

1. The Girl with a Spirit of Divination  ( 16:16⁠–⁠21 )

2. Paul and Silas Imprisoned  ( 16:22⁠–⁠24 )

3. The Conversion of the Jailer  ( 16:25⁠–⁠34 )

4. An Official Apology  ( 16:35⁠–⁠40 )

vi. The Uproar in Thessalonica  ( 17:1⁠–⁠9 )

vii. The Character of the Bereans  ( 17:10⁠–⁠15 )

viii. In Athens  ( 17:16⁠–⁠34 )

1. The Epicurean and Stoic Philosophers  ( 17:16⁠–⁠21 )

2. Paul’s Address in the Areopagus  ( 17:22⁠–⁠34 )

ix. In Corinth  ( 18:1⁠–⁠11 )

x. Paul before Gallio  ( 18:12⁠–⁠17 )

xi. Paul Returns to Antioch  ( 18:18⁠–⁠22 )

d. Paul’s Third Missionary Journey to Asia Minor and Greece  ( 18:23⁠–⁠20:38 )

i. Apollos  ( 18:23⁠–⁠28 )

ii. In Ephesus  ( 19:1⁠–⁠41 )

1. The Holy Spirit Received  ( 19:1⁠–⁠7 )

2. Paul Ministers  ( 19:8⁠–⁠12 )

3. The Sons of Sceva  ( 19:13⁠–⁠20 )

4. The Riot  ( 19:21⁠–⁠41 )

iii. Paul in Macedonia and Greece  ( 20:1⁠–⁠6 )

iv. Eutychus Revived at Troas  ( 20:7⁠–⁠12 )

v. From Troas to Miletus  ( 20:13⁠–⁠16 )

vi. Paul’s Farewell to the Ephesians  ( 20:17⁠–⁠38 )

e. Paul Travels to Jerusalem  ( 21:1⁠–⁠22:30 )

i. The Journey to Jerusalem  ( 21:1⁠–⁠7 )

ii. Paul Visits Philip the Evangelist  ( 21:8⁠–⁠16 )

iii. Paul’s Arrival at Jerusalem  ( 21:17⁠–⁠26 )

iv. Paul Seized at the Temple  ( 21:27⁠–⁠36 )

v. Paul Addresses the Crowd  ( 21:37⁠–⁠22:30 )

1. Permission to Speak  ( 21:37⁠–⁠40 )

2. Paul’s Defense to the Crowd  ( 22:1⁠–⁠21 )

3. Paul the Roman Citizen  ( 22:22⁠–⁠30 )

f. Paul on Trial  ( 23:1⁠–⁠26:32 )

i. Paul before the Sanhedrin  ( 23:1⁠–⁠22 )

1. On Trial for the Hope in the Resurrection of the Dead  ( 23:1⁠–⁠11 )

2. The Plot to Kill Paul  ( 23:12⁠–⁠22 )

ii. Paul before Felix  ( 23:23⁠–⁠24:27 )

1. Paul Sent to Felix  ( 23:23⁠–⁠35 )

2. Tertullus Prosecutes Paul  ( 24:1⁠–⁠9 )

3. Paul’s Defense to Felix  ( 24:10⁠–⁠21 )

4. The Verdict Postposed  ( 24:22⁠–⁠27 )

iii. Paul before Festus  ( 25:1⁠–⁠22 )

1. Paul’s Trial  ( 25:1⁠–⁠9 )

2. Paul Appeals to Caesar  ( 25:10⁠–⁠12 )

3. Festus Consults Agrippa  ( 25:13⁠–⁠22 )

iv. Paul before Agrippa  ( 25:23⁠–⁠26:32 )

1. Agrippa and Bernice Arrive  ( 25:23⁠–⁠27 )

2. Paul’s Testimony to Agrippa  ( 26:1⁠–⁠23 )

3. Festus Interrupts Paul’s Defense  ( 26:24⁠–⁠32 )

g. Paul Travels to Rome  ( 27:1⁠–⁠28:31 )

i. The Journey  ( 27:1⁠–⁠28:15 )

1. Sailing to Rome  ( 27:1⁠–⁠12 )

2. The Storm at Sea  ( 27:13⁠–⁠26 )

3. The Shipwreck  ( 27:27⁠–⁠44 )

4. Ashore on Malta  ( 28:1⁠–⁠10 )

5. Paul Arrives in Italy  ( 28:11⁠–⁠15 )

ii. Paul Preaches at Rome  ( 28:16⁠–⁠31 )


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