3511. neōkoros
Lexical Summary
neōkoros: a temple keeper
Original Word: νεωκόρος
Transliteration: neōkoros
Phonetic Spelling: (neh-o-kor'-os)
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Short Definition: a temple keeper
Meaning: a temple keeper
Strong's Concordance
a temple keeper, guardian

From a form of naos and koreo (to sweep); a temple-servant, i.e. (by implication) a votary -- worshipper.

see GREEK naos

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 3511: νεωκόρος

νεωκόρος, νεωκορου, , (νεώς or ναός, and κορέω to sweep; (questioned by some; a hint of this derivation is found in Philo de sacerd. honor. § 6 (cf. νεωκορία, de somniis 2, 42), and Hesychius (under the word) defines the word τόν ναόν κόσμων. κόρειν γάρ τό σαίρειν ἔλεγον (cf. under the word σηκοκόρος; so Etym. Magn. 407, 27, cf. under the word νεωκόρος); yet Suidas under the word κόρη, p. 2157 c. says νεωκόρος οὐχ Σαρών τοῦ νεωκορου ἀλλ' ἐπιμελουμενος αὐτοῦ (cf. under the words, νεωκόρος, σηκοκόρος); hence, some connect the last half with root κορ, κολ, cf. Latincuro, colo));

1. properly, one who sweeps and cleans a temple.

2. one who has charge of a temple, to keep and adorn it, a sacristan: Xenophon, an. 5, 3, 6; Plato, legg. 6, p. 759 a.

3. the worshipper of a deity (οὕς i. e. the Israelites Θεός ἑαυτῷ νεωκορους ἦγεν through the wilderness, Josephus, b. j. 5, 9, 4); as appears from coins still extant, it was an honorary title (temple-keeper or temple-warden (cf. 2 above)) of certain cities, especially of Asia Minor, in which the special worship of some deity or even of some deified human ruler had been established (cf. Stephanus, Thesaurus, v., p. 1472f; (cf. B. D., under the word worshipper)); so νεωκόρος ... τῆς Ἀρτέμιδος, of Ephesus, Acts 19:35; (see Lightfoot in Contemp. Rev. for 1878, p. 294f; Wood, Discoveries at Ephesus (Lond. 1877), Appendix, passim).


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