Psalm 58:7
May they vanish like water that runs off; when they draw the bow, may their arrows be blunted.
Cross References
Joshua 2:11
When we heard this, our hearts melted and everyone's courage failed because of you, for the LORD your God is God in the heavens above and on the earth below.

Joshua 7:5
And the men of Ai struck down about thirty-six of them, chasing them from the gate as far as the quarries and striking them down on the slopes. So the hearts of the people melted and became like water.

2 Samuel 14:14
For surely we will die and be like water poured out on the ground, which cannot be recovered. Yet God does not take away a life; but He devises ways that the banished one may not be cast out from Him.

Psalm 64:3
who sharpen their tongues like swords and aim their bitter words like arrows,

Psalm 112:10
The wicked man will see and be grieved; he will gnash his teeth and waste away; the desires of the wicked will perish.

Psalm 144:6
Flash forth Your lightning and scatter them; shoot Your arrows and rout them.

Isaiah 13:7
Therefore all hands will fall limp, and every man's heart will melt.

Ezekiel 21:7
And when they ask, 'Why are you groaning?' you are to say, 'Because of the news that is coming. Every heart will melt, and every hand will go limp. Every spirit will faint, and every knee will turn to water.' Yes, it is coming and it will surely happen, declares the Lord GOD."

Treasury of Scripture
Let them melt away as waters which run continually: when he bends his bow to shoot his arrows, let them be as cut in pieces.

Psalm 22:14
I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.

Psalm 64:7,8
But God shall shoot at them with an arrow; suddenly shall they be wounded…

Psalm 112:10
The wicked shall see it, and be grieved; he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away: the desire of the wicked shall perish.


Psalm 58:6
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