Psalm 148:1
Hallelujah! Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise Him in the highest places.
Cross References
Matthew 21:9
The crowds that went ahead of Him and those that followed were shouting: "Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Hosanna in the highest!"

Job 16:19
Even now my witness is in heaven, and my advocate is on high.

Psalm 69:34
Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and everything that moves in them.

Psalm 102:19
For He looked down from the heights of His sanctuary; the LORD gazed out from heaven to earth

Treasury of Scripture
Praise you the LORD. Praise you the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights.

praise ye the Lord.

Psalm 89:5
And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.

Psalm 146:1
Praise ye the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul.

Isaiah 49:13
Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the LORD hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted.


Psalm 147:20
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