Psalm 105:11
"I will give you the land of Canaan as the portion of your inheritance."
Cross References
Genesis 13:15
for all the land that you see, I will give to you and your offspring forever.

Genesis 15:18
On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, "To your descendants I have given this land--from the river of Egypt to the great River Euphrates--

Numbers 34:2
"Command the Israelites and say to them: When you enter the land of Canaan, it will be allotted to you as an inheritance with these boundaries:

Joshua 23:4
See, I have allotted as an inheritance to your tribes these remaining nations, including all the nations I have already cut off, from the Jordan westward to the Great Sea.

Psalm 78:55
He drove out nations before them and apportioned their inheritance; He settled the tribes of Israel in their tents.

Treasury of Scripture
Saying, To you will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance:

unto thee

Genesis 12:7
And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him.

Genesis 13:15
For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever.

Genesis 15:18
In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:


Psalm 78:55
He cast out the heathen also before them, and divided them an inheritance by line, and made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tents.


Psalm 105:10
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