Proverbs 24:8
He who plots evil will be called a schemer.
Cross References
Romans 1:30
slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant, and boastful. They invent new forms of evil; they disobey their parents.

Proverbs 6:14
With deceit in his heart he devises evil; he continually sows discord.

Proverbs 14:22
Do not those who contrive evil go astray? But those who plan goodness find loving devotion and faithfulness.

Treasury of Scripture
He that devises to do evil shall be called a mischievous person.

Proverbs 24:2,9
For their heart studieth destruction, and their lips talk of mischief…

Proverbs 6:14,18
Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord…

Proverbs 14:22
Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good.


Proverbs 24:7
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