Numbers 1:44
These were the men numbered by Moses and Aaron, with the assistance of the twelve leaders of Israel, each one representing his family.
Cross References
Numbers 1:43
those registered to the tribe of Naphtali numbered 53,400.

Numbers 1:45
So all the Israelites twenty years of age or older who could serve in Israel's army were counted according to their families.

2 Samuel 24:9
And Joab reported to the king the total number of the troops. In Israel there were 800,000 men of valor who drew the sword, and in Judah there were 500,000.

Treasury of Scripture
These are those that were numbered, which Moses and Aaron numbered, and the princes of Israel, being twelve men: each one was for the house of his fathers.

Numbers 1:2-16
Take ye the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel, after their families, by the house of their fathers, with the number of their names, every male by their polls; …

Numbers 26:64
But among these there was not a man of them whom Moses and Aaron the priest numbered, when they numbered the children of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai.


Numbers 1:43
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