Nehemiah 3:17
Next to him, the Levites made repairs under Rehum son of Bani, and next to him, Hashabiah, ruler of a half-district of Keilah, made repairs for his district.
Cross References
1 Samuel 23:1
Now it was reported to David, "Look, the Philistines are fighting against Keilah and looting the threshing floors."

Nehemiah 3:9
Next to them, Rephaiah son of Hur, ruler of a half-district of Jerusalem, made repairs;

Nehemiah 3:16
Beyond him, Nehemiah son of Azbuk, ruler of a half-district of Beth-zur, made repairs up to a point opposite the tombs of David, as far as the artificial pool and the House of the Mighty.

Nehemiah 3:18
Next to him, their countrymen made repairs under Binnui son of Henadad, ruler of the other half-district of Keilah.

Treasury of Scripture
After him repaired the Levites, Rehum the son of Bani. Next to him repaired Hashabiah, the ruler of the half part of Keilah, in his part.

the ruler

Nehemiah 3:16
After him repaired Nehemiah the son of Azbuk, the ruler of the half part of Bethzur, unto the place over against the sepulchres of David, and to the pool that was made, and unto the house of the mighty.

1 Chronicles 23:4
Of which, twenty and four thousand were to set forward the work of the house of the LORD; and six thousand were officers and judges:


Joshua 15:44
And Keilah, and Achzib, and Mareshah; nine cities with their villages:

1 Samuel 23:1,2
Then they told David, saying, Behold, the Philistines fight against Keilah, and they rob the threshingfloors…


Nehemiah 3:16
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