Matthew 4:11
Then the devil left Him, and angels came and ministered to Him.
Cross References
Matthew 26:53
Are you not aware that I can call on My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels?

Mark 1:13
and He was there for forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and the angels ministered to Him.

Luke 22:43
Then an angel from heaven appeared to Him and strengthened Him.

Hebrews 1:14
Are not the angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

Treasury of Scripture
Then the devil leaves him, and, behold, angels came and ministered to him.

the devil.

Luke 4:13
And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.

Luke 22:53
When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against me: but this is your hour, and the power of darkness.

John 14:30
Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.


Matthew 4:6
And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Matthew 26:53
Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?

Matthew 28:2-5
And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it…


Matthew 4:10
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