Matthew 15:26
But Jesus replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs."
Cross References
Matthew 7:6
Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.

Matthew 15:25
The woman came and knelt before Him. "Lord, help me!" she said.

Matthew 15:27
"Yes, Lord," she said, "even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table."

Mark 7:27
"First let the children have their fill," He said. "For it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs."

Treasury of Scripture
But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs.

It is not.

Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Mark 7:27,28
But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it unto the dogs…

Acts 22:21,22
And he said unto me, Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles…



Matthew 15:25
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