Leviticus 18:2
"Speak to the Israelites and tell them: I am the LORD your God.
Cross References
Exodus 6:7
I will take you as My own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.

Leviticus 11:44
For I am the LORD your God; consecrate yourselves, therefore, and be holy, because I am holy. You must not defile yourselves by any creature that crawls along the ground.

Leviticus 18:1
Then the LORD said to Moses,

Leviticus 18:4
You are to practice My judgments and keep My statutes by walking in them. I am the LORD your God.

Leviticus 18:30
You must keep My charge not to practice any of the abominable customs that were practiced before you, so that you do not defile yourselves by them. I am the LORD your God."

Ezekiel 20:5
and tell them that this is what the Lord GOD says: On the day I chose Israel, I swore an oath to the descendants of the house of Jacob and made Myself known to them in the land of Egypt. With an uplifted hand I said to them, 'I am the LORD your God.'

Treasury of Scripture
Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them, I am the LORD your God.

Leviticus 18:4
Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the LORD your God.

Leviticus 11:44
For I am the LORD your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy: neither shall ye defile yourselves with any manner of creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Leviticus 19:3,4,10,34
Ye shall fear every man his mother, and his father, and keep my sabbaths: I am the LORD your God…


Leviticus 18:1
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