Leviticus 16:14
And he is to take some of the bull's blood and sprinkle it with his finger on the east side of the mercy seat; then he shall sprinkle some of it with his finger seven times before the mercy seat.
Cross References
Hebrews 9:7
But only the high priest entered the second room, and then only once a year, and never without blood, which he offered for himself and for the sins the people had committed in ignorance.

Hebrews 9:21
In the same way, he sprinkled with blood the tabernacle and all the vessels used in worship.

Hebrews 9:25
Nor did He enter heaven to offer Himself again and again, as the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own.

Leviticus 4:6
The priest is to dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle some of it seven times before the LORD, in front of the veil of the sanctuary.

Leviticus 4:17
and he is to dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle it seven times before the LORD in front of the veil.

Leviticus 16:19
He is to sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times to cleanse it and consecrate it from the uncleanness of the Israelites.

Numbers 19:4
Eleazar the priest is to take some of its blood on his finger and sprinkle it seven times toward the front of the Tent of Meeting.

Treasury of Scripture
And he shall take of the blood of the bullock, and sprinkle it with his finger on the mercy seat eastward; and before the mercy seat shall he sprinkle of the blood with his finger seven times.

Leviticus 4:5,6,17
And the priest that is anointed shall take of the bullock's blood, and bring it to the tabernacle of the congregation: …

Leviticus 8:11
And he sprinkled thereof upon the altar seven times, and anointed the altar and all his vessels, both the laver and his foot, to sanctify them.

Romans 3:24-26
Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: …


Leviticus 16:13
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