Jeremiah 3:5
Will He be angry forever? Will He be indignant to the end?' This you have spoken, but you keep doing all the evil you can."
Cross References
Psalm 103:9
He will not always accuse us, nor harbor His anger forever.

Isaiah 57:16
For I will not accuse you forever, nor will I always be angry; for then the spirit of man would grow weak before Me, with the breath of those I have made.

Jeremiah 3:12
Go, proclaim this message toward the north: 'Return, O faithless Israel,' declares the LORD. 'I will no longer look on you with anger, for I am merciful,' declares the LORD. 'I will not be angry forever.

Treasury of Scripture
Will he reserve his anger for ever? will he keep it to the end? Behold, you have spoken and done evil things as you could.

he reserve

Jeremiah 3:12
Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, Return, thou backsliding Israel, saith the LORD; and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you: for I am merciful, saith the LORD, and I will not keep anger for ever.

Psalm 77:7-9
Will the Lord cast off for ever? and will he be favourable no more? …

Psalm 85:5
Wilt thou be angry with us for ever? wilt thou draw out thine anger to all generations?

thou hast spoken

Ezekiel 22:6
Behold, the princes of Israel, every one were in thee to their power to shed blood.

Micah 2:1
Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand.

Micah 7:3
That they may do evil with both hands earnestly, the prince asketh, and the judge asketh for a reward; and the great man, he uttereth his mischievous desire: so they wrap it up.


Jeremiah 3:4
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