Jeremiah 25:8
Therefore this is what the LORD of Hosts says: 'Because you have not obeyed My words,
Cross References
Jeremiah 25:7
But to your own harm, you have not listened to Me,' declares the LORD, 'so you have provoked Me to anger with the works of your hands.'

Jeremiah 25:9
behold, I will summon all the families of the north, declares the LORD, and I will send for My servant Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, whom I will bring against this land, against its residents, and against all the surrounding nations. So I will devote them to destruction and make them an object of horror and contempt, an everlasting desolation.

Treasury of Scripture
Therefore thus said the LORD of hosts; Because you have not heard my words,

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Jeremiah 25:7
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