Hosea 13:11
So in My anger I gave you a king, and in My wrath I took him away.
Cross References
1 Samuel 8:7
And the LORD said to Samuel, "Listen to the voice of the people in all that they say to you. For it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected Me as their king.

1 Samuel 10:17
After this, Samuel summoned the people to the LORD at Mizpah

1 Samuel 12:13
Now here is the king you have chosen, the one you requested. Behold, the LORD has placed a king over you.

1 Samuel 15:26
"I will not return with you," Samuel replied. "For you have rejected the word of the LORD, and He has rejected you as king over Israel."

1 Kings 14:7
Go, tell Jeroboam that this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'I raised you up from among the people and appointed you ruler over My people Israel.

Hosea 3:4
For the Israelites must live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred pillar, and without ephod or idol.

Hosea 8:4
They set up kings, but not by Me. They make princes, but without My approval. With their silver and gold they make themselves idols, to their own destruction.

Hosea 10:7
Samaria will be carried off with her king like a twig on the surface of the water.

Treasury of Scripture
I gave you a king in my anger, and took him away in my wrath.

Hosea 10:3
For now they shall say, We have no king, because we feared not the LORD; what then should a king do to us?

1 Samuel 8:7-9
And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them…

1 Samuel 10:19
And ye have this day rejected your God, who himself saved you out of all your adversities and your tribulations; and ye have said unto him, Nay, but set a king over us. Now therefore present yourselves before the LORD by your tribes, and by your thousands.


Hosea 13:10
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