Genesis 29:27
Finish this week's celebration, and we will give you the younger one in return for another seven years of work."
Cross References
Genesis 29:26
Laban replied, "It is not our custom here to give the younger daughter in marriage before the older.

Genesis 29:28
And Jacob did just that. He finished the week's celebration, and Laban gave him his daughter Rachel as his wife.

Genesis 31:41
Thus for twenty years I have served in your household--fourteen years for your two daughters and six years for your flocks--and you have changed my wages ten times!

Treasury of Scripture
Fulfill her week, and we will give you this also for the service which you shall serve with me yet seven other years.


Genesis 2:2,3
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made…

Genesis 8:10-12
And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark; …

Leviticus 18:18
Neither shalt thou take a wife to her sister, to vex her, to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her life time.

we will.

Genesis 29:20
And Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her.


Genesis 29:26
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