Ezekiel 23:49
They will repay you for your indecency, and you will bear the consequences of your sins of idolatry. Then you will know that I am the Lord GOD.'"
Cross References
Isaiah 59:18
So He will repay according to their deeds: fury to His enemies, retribution to His foes, and recompense to the islands.

Ezekiel 7:4
I will not look on you with pity, nor will I spare you, but I will punish you for your ways and for the abominations among you. Then you will know that I am the LORD.'

Ezekiel 7:9
I will not look on you with pity, nor will I spare you, but I will punish you for your ways and for the abominations among you. Then you will know that it is I, the LORD, who strikes the blow.

Ezekiel 9:10
But as for Me, I will not look on them with pity, nor will I spare them. I will bring their deeds down upon their own heads."

Ezekiel 16:58
You will bear the consequences of your lewdness and your abominations, declares the LORD.

Ezekiel 23:35
Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: 'Because you have forgotten Me and have cast Me behind your back, you must bear the consequences of your indecency and prostitution.'"

Ezekiel 23:48
So I will put an end to indecency in the land, and all the women will be admonished not to imitate your behavior.

Ezekiel 24:1
In the ninth year, on the tenth day of the tenth month, the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

Treasury of Scripture
And they shall recompense your lewdness on you, and you shall bear the sins of your idols: and you shall know that I am the Lord GOD.

they shall

Ezekiel 7:4,9
And mine eye shall not spare thee, neither will I have pity: but I will recompense thy ways upon thee, and thine abominations shall be in the midst of thee: and ye shall know that I am the LORD…

Ezekiel 9:10
And as for me also, mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity, but I will recompense their way upon their head.

Ezekiel 11:21
But as for them whose heart walketh after the heart of their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their own heads, saith the Lord GOD.

ye shall bear

Ezekiel 23:35
Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thou hast forgotten me, and cast me behind thy back, therefore bear thou also thy lewdness and thy whoredoms.

and ye shall know

Ezekiel 6:7
And the slain shall fall in the midst of you, and ye shall know that I am the LORD.

Ezekiel 20:38,42,44
And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel: and ye shall know that I am the LORD…

Ezekiel 25:5
And I will make Rabbah a stable for camels, and the Ammonites a couchingplace for flocks: and ye shall know that I am the LORD.


Ezekiel 23:48
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