Ezekiel 12:27
"Son of man, take note that the house of Israel is saying, 'The vision that he sees is for many years from now; he prophesies about the distant future.'
Cross References
2 Peter 3:4
"Where is the promise of His coming?" they will ask. "Ever since our fathers fell asleep, everything continues as it has from the beginning of creation."

Ezekiel 12:22
"Son of man, what is this proverb that you have in the land of Israel: 'The days go by, and every vision fails'?

Ezekiel 12:26
Furthermore, the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

Ezekiel 12:28
Therefore tell them that this is what the Lord GOD says: 'None of My words will be delayed any longer. The message I speak will be fulfilled, declares the Lord GOD.'"

Daniel 8:26
The vision of the evenings and the mornings that has been spoken is true. Now you must seal up the vision, for it concerns the distant future."

Daniel 10:14
Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision concerns those days."

Treasury of Scripture
Son of man, behold, they of the house of Israel say, The vision that he sees is for many days to come, and he prophesies of the times that are far off.


Ezekiel 12:22
Son of man, what is that proverb that ye have in the land of Israel, saying, The days are prolonged, and every vision faileth?

Isaiah 28:14,15
Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem…

Daniel 10:14
Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.


Ezekiel 12:26
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