Deuteronomy 30:9
So the LORD your God will make you abound in all the work of your hands and in the fruit of your womb, the offspring of your livestock, and the produce of your land. Indeed, the LORD will again delight in your goodness, as He delighted in that of your fathers,
Cross References
Deuteronomy 30:8
And you will again obey the voice of the LORD and follow all His commandments I am giving you today.

Jeremiah 31:27
"The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and of beast.

Jeremiah 31:28
Just as I watched over them to uproot and tear down, to demolish, destroy, and bring disaster, so I will watch over them to build and to plant," declares the LORD.

Jeremiah 32:41
Yes, I will rejoice in doing them good, and I will faithfully plant them in this land with all My heart and with all My soul.

Treasury of Scripture
And the LORD your God will make you plenteous in every work of your hand, in the fruit of your body, and in the fruit of your cattle, and in the fruit of your land, for good: for the LORD will again rejoice over you for good, as he rejoiced over your fathers:

make thee

Deuteronomy 28:4,11-14
Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy ground, and the fruit of thy cattle, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep…

Leviticus 26:4,6,9,10
Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit…

rejoice over thee

Isaiah 62:5
For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.

Isaiah 65:19
And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying.

Jeremiah 32:41
Yea, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and with my whole soul.


Deuteronomy 30:8
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