Deuteronomy 1:21
See, the LORD your God has placed the land before you. Go up and take possession of it as the LORD, the God of your fathers, has told you. Do not be afraid or discouraged."
Cross References
Numbers 14:9
Only do not rebel against the LORD, and do not be afraid of the people of the land, for they will be like bread for us. Their protection has been removed, and the LORD is with us. Do not be afraid of them!"

Deuteronomy 1:20
I said: "You have reached the hill country of the Amorites, which the LORD our God is giving us.

Deuteronomy 9:23
And when the LORD sent you out from Kadesh-barnea, He said, "Go up and possess the land that I have given you." But you rebelled against the command of the LORD your God. You neither believed Him nor obeyed Him.

Joshua 1:6
Be strong and courageous, for you shall give these people the inheritance of the land that I swore to their fathers I would give them.

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you to be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

Nehemiah 9:15
In their hunger You gave them bread from heaven; in their thirst You brought them water from the rock. You told them to go in and possess the land which You had sworn to give them.

Treasury of Scripture
Behold, the LORD your God has set the land before you: go up and possess it, as the LORD God of your fathers has said to you; fear not, neither be discouraged.

fear not

Deuteronomy 20:1
When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of them: for the LORD thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.

Numbers 13:30
And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.

Numbers 14:8,9
If the LORD delight in us, then he will bring us into this land, and give it us; a land which floweth with milk and honey…


Deuteronomy 1:20
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