Acts 5:23
"We found the jail securely locked, with the guards posted at the doors; but when we opened them, we found no one inside."
Cross References
Acts 5:22
But on arriving at the jail, the officers did not find them there. So they returned with the report:

Acts 5:24
When the captain of the temple guard and the chief priests heard this account, they were perplexed as to what was happening.

Treasury of Scripture
Saying, The prison truly found we shut with all safety, and the keepers standing without before the doors: but when we had opened, we found no man within.

The prison.

Acts 5:19
But the angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors, and brought them forth, and said,

Psalm 2:4
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

Psalm 33:10
The LORD bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices of the people of none effect.


Acts 5:22
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