2 Kings 9:4
So the young prophet went to Ramoth-gilead,
Cross References
1 Kings 4:13
Ben-geber in Ramoth-gilead (the villages of Jair son of Manasseh in Gilead belonged to him, as well as the region of Argob in Bashan with its sixty great cities with walls and bronze bars);

2 Kings 9:1
Now Elisha the prophet summoned one of the sons of the prophets and said to him, "Tuck your cloak under your belt, take this flask of oil, and go to Ramoth-gilead.

2 Kings 9:5
and when he arrived, the army commanders were sitting there. "I have a message for you, commander," he said. "For which of us?" asked Jehu. "For you, commander," he replied.

Treasury of Scripture
So the young man, even the young man the prophet, went to Ramothgilead.


2 Kings 9:3
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