2 Kings 2:10
"You have requested a difficult thing," said Elijah. "Nevertheless, if you see me as I am taken from you, it will be yours. But if not, then it will not be so."
Cross References
Acts 1:10
They were looking intently into the sky as He was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.

Genesis 5:24
Enoch walked with God, and then he was no more, because God had taken him away.

Treasury of Scripture
And he said, You have asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so to you; but if not, it shall not be so.

Thou hast

Mark 11:22-24
And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God…

John 16:24
Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

2 Kings 2:12
And Elisha saw it, and he cried, My father, my father, the chariot of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. And he saw him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes, and rent them in two pieces.

Acts 1:9,10
And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight…


2 Kings 2:9
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