2 Chronicles 8:10
They were also the chief officers for King Solomon: 250 supervisors.
Cross References
1 Kings 9:23
They were also the chief officers over Solomon's projects: 550 supervisors over the people who did the work.

2 Chronicles 8:9
But Solomon did not consign any of the Israelites to slave labor, because they were his men of war, his officers and captains, and the commanders of his chariots and cavalry.

2 Chronicles 8:11
Solomon brought the daughter of Pharaoh up from the City of David to the palace he had built for her. For he said, "My wife must not live in the house of David king of Israel, because the places the ark of the LORD has entered are holy."

Treasury of Scripture
And these were the chief of king Solomon's officers, even two hundred and fifty, that bore rule over the people.

two hundred

2 Chronicles 2:18
And he set threescore and ten thousand of them to be bearers of burdens, and fourscore thousand to be hewers in the mountain, and three thousand and six hundred overseers to set the people a work.

1 Kings 5:16
Beside the chief of Solomon's officers which were over the work, three thousand and three hundred, which ruled over the people that wrought in the work.

1 Kings 9:23
These were the chief of the officers that were over Solomon's work, five hundred and fifty, which bare rule over the people that wrought in the work.


2 Chronicles 8:9
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