1 Corinthians 10:17
Because there is one loaf, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one loaf.
Cross References
Romans 12:5
so in Christ we who are many are one body, and each member belongs to one another.

1 Corinthians 12:12
The body is a unit, though it is composed of many parts. And although its parts are many, they all form one body. So it is with Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:27
Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you is a member of it.

Ephesians 2:16
and reconciling both of them to God in one body through the cross, by which He extinguished their hostility.

Ephesians 4:4
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called;

Ephesians 4:16
From Him the whole body, fitted and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love through the work of each individual part.

Colossians 3:15
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, for to this you were called as members of one body. And be thankful.

Treasury of Scripture
For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one bread.

we being.

1 Corinthians 12:12,27
For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ…

Romans 12:5
So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

Galatians 3:26-28
For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus…


1 Corinthians 10:3,4,21
And did all eat the same spiritual meat; …

1 Corinthians 11:26-28
For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come…


1 Corinthians 10:16
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